ID Reports & Team Success
Your ID™ report tells you about your natural talents and your vulnerabilities and provides guidance on what is important to you to have in your life. This knowledge if put into practice can be life changing in terms of happiness, achievement and communication with others.
From a team perspective the knowledge and sharing of the I.D. amongst team members is essential to building trust and achieve collaboration. We tend to think that others should see things the way we do which is not the case.
Understanding the strengths and vulnerabilities of others enables us to “step into their shoes” and see things from their perspective. The key is to “seek first to understand then be understood”.
The ID’s assist greatly in working with emotional intelligence in that they assist us to have empathy with others and the way they do things naturally.
The Instinctive Drive analysis ID™ reveals what is our true authentic self defined in part by our natural talents, our strengths and vulnerabilities: who we are before the impact of parenting and external influences affecting our behaviour.
In leading ourselves and achieving growth and happiness it is important if not essential for us to understand our authentic selves; what we are best at, what we are not naturally good at and the areas where we are able to perform at our best.
In recent times much has been documented about the value of understanding our vulnerabilities and being comfortable to disclose these. There is strength in this and amongst teams it is essential in achieving trust. The value of working together as a team to understand not only our personal perspective on life but also the strengths and vulnerabilities of others in the team is enormous. It can be the making of a team that is otherwise in conflict and working in “silos”.
When relationships at work break down, when team members don’t feel understood and when they receive communication that does not take into account their needs, the result is anxiety, mistrust and team fracturing.
When teams don’t work, ultimately the business doesn’t and the consequences of that are to no-ones advantage.
The ID team process goes much further than benefit us personally. It benefits the team thereby promoting trust, confidence and synergy – it gives us the power to value our differences and “make the whole greater than the sum of the individual parts”.
How do we put a price on this learning? How do you price something that can be life changing for us personally and those around us? If we value it based on our ability to learn, grow, build and sustain relationships and be happier – it’s probably priceless.
Begin the journey...
Mike Sayer
©Leader Connect