Sharing our "Numbers" in Teams
As many (if not all) of you who are acquainted with the use of ID in teams would know, being able to share our “numbers” in team meetings has a special purpose.
The purpose is not to remind team members of our numbers just for the sake of numerical “tagging” or “labelling”. This is to completely abuse the purpose of the sharing.
The purpose is to remind our fellow members and team leadership that we are not all “driven” in the same way when it comes to needs, talents and vulnerabilities and how best to communication with us. It is a reminder of the benefits of diversity in teams and the different perspectives that this diversity brings to enable discussion and collaboration.
We may not always be mindful of the value of different perspectives when faced with various demands on our time and leadership. When mindfulness slips, misunderstanding is given an easier right of passage.
It is of value in teams for leadership to include a few minutes for members, on a rotation basis, to speak to their Drive, identify how this enables effective communication with them and what may cause misunderstanding through ineffective communication. (See attached “Communication Drivers”, “Do’s and Don’ts” for each Drive and “Key ID strategies to engage others”).
It may be seen as a responsibility for us to seek to understand our fellow team members, exercise empathy and respect others’ perspectives. The knowledge of our “numbers” and their use in communication is both emotional and conversational intelligence – and supports synergy!